Effective Instruction

There are multiple theories about the requirements for learning and varied approaches to instruction. Effective instruction relies on key features, consistency and reflective practices that encourage continued learning and ongoing development for educators. 

The content within this section of HIVE is an opportunity for teachers and leaders, as ongoing learners, to explore and refine their thinking and approaches to instruction. This is a sample of resources, not a complete list and no approaches are intentionally excluded.

Victorian Curriculum & Assessment Authority (VCAA)

Advice and resources for each curriculum area, including curriculum-specific planning, assessment and reporting advice.

Australian Institute of Teachers and Leaders (AITSL)

The AITSL standards invite teachers to monitor their own professional growth. There are seven standards to support teachers’ self reflection.

High Impact Teaching Strategies (HITS)

Use these evidence based instructional practices to refine and develop your own instructional practice.



(Student Voice Practice Guide)

This guide gives an opportunity for school professionals and students to have conversations, collaborate and take actions to empower student voice and agency.

Using Student Voice to Empower Learning

A video conversation about why encouraging student voice in the classroom empowers students and drives them to move forward in their own learning.

Teacher Mindframes

John Hattie and Klaus Zierer define mindframes teachers need to develop for greater student success. The focus is on evaluating impact, the importance of feedback and working collaboratively.


Visible Learning

John Hattie outlines a set of benchmarks for schools and teachers to measure the “nature and magnitude of your impact on the learning of your students”.

Learner persistence – the productive struggle

This article examines ‘learner persistence’ and its importance for students as they navigate through numerous learning experiences.

Seven Keys to A Positive Learning Environment in Your Classroom

Tom Hierck’s resource encourages a whole-school initiative to create a positive culture for learning.


Teach Like a Champion

49 classroom tested and research-based teaching techniques for a variety of grade levels and subject areas.

Effective Questioning

In this ACER podcast, Dylan William explains the importance of effective questioning techniques to encourage higher levels of thinking.

Universal Design for Learning

UDL is a framework to improve and optimise teaching and learning, based on scientific insights into how humans learn.


Practice Principles for Excellence in Teaching and Learning

The Victorian Government Education website outlines ‘The Practice Principles for Excellence in Teaching and Learning’ which provide a foundation for the conversations, collaborations and actions at the centre of teaching and learning.

E5 Instructional Model

The Victorian Government Education Website provides a tool for teachers and schools to help develop and improve teaching practice through discussion, observation, critique and reflection. 

Danielson Group Framework

The Framework for Teaching provides a common language for instructional practice, as well as a philosophical approach to understanding and promoting great teaching and learning.


Rosenshine’s Principles of Instruction

This article presents ten, research-based principles of instruction, along with suggestions for classroom practice. These principles are drawn from research in cognitive science and education.

General Capabilities -

ACER Podcast

This podcast provides insights into how to teach and assess general capabilities including critical thinking, creative thinking, collaboration and problem solving skills.

Marzano’s High Yield Instructional Strategies

Robert Marzano’s intensive research consistently uncovers specific teaching strategies that provide high yield results. This video outlines these strategies.