Learning Diversity Resources

“I seek your face, do not hide your face from me.”

Ps 27:8-9

Catholic Education Ballarat is proud to launch ‘Wrap Around The Learner’ (WATL).

WATL provides school leaders with a whole school, collaborative strategy to support the learning of all students in alignment with the CECV Intervention Framework. Access the strategy here.

The Catholic Education Team plays a key role in supporting schools to design and implement inclusive approaches to track and monitor the progress of all students in order to accurately identify learning strengths and challenges and consider effective approaches and/or adjustments to support the ongoing and active engagement of every student. This guide provides schools with further information about the student support services accessible from the Wellbeing team.

This document is a comprehensive overview of the scope of learning diversity and is designed to support schools to build the capacity of learning diversity leaders (LDL) over time to deliver evidence-based approaches through multi-tiered

systems of support.  It is broken down into three key areas for self-assessment – knowledge, core skills and key leadership skills and provides links to many open-access resources.

This document may be used in many ways, including:

  • by the school leadership team to inform the Annual Action Plan and School Improvement Plan

  • by the LDL to inform annual review meetings

  • by the LDL to identify areas of professional learning that might be beneficial individually, and as a school.

The Actioning Education for All website above houses resources to enhance access and success for all students. This collection is developed and maintained by our Learning Diversity Education Officers, and is updated regularly. Access the site here.

The Diversity Key Activities and Timeframes (DKAT) guides and tracks your school’s progress through diversity key activities over a year – like a scope and sequence of diversity activities.  The DKAT is different to the Diversity Role Description and Reflection (RDR). The RDR supports Learning Diversity Leaders (LDLs) to understand the knowledge, skills and leadership responsibilities required for their role and to identify their strengths and areas for professional learning (PL).

Intervention Framework

Intervention Framework

The CECV Intervention Framework provides a structure for educators to work in teams to best understand and meet the learning needs of students. This better equips schools to meet compliance requirements under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and to fulfil their commitments arising from the Catholic education ethos.

Selecting an Intervention

Selecting an Intervention

This paper outlines considerations that schools can refer to when making key decisions regarding intervention, extension or enrichment opportunities provided to meet the specifically identified needs of students.

Adjustments & Supports


Supports the needs of students with disabilities, monitoring progress and intervention advice.

CEVN Link - you will need your C Number and password.

All Kinds of Minds

All Kinds of Minds supports teachers and provides opportunities to build expertise in how students learn.

Victorian Deaf Education Institute

VDEI partners with schools and early childhood programs to improve educational outcomes for students who are deaf or hard of hearing.

Statewide Vision Resource Centre

The Statewide Vision Resource Centre (SVRC) aims to ensure inclusion and achievement for all learners who are blind or have low vision. They provide specialised support and resources to Victorian students, school staff and families.

Personalised Learning Plans

Personalised Learning Plans (PLPs) support the learning and teaching of students with disabilities and additional needs. CECV have developed a suggested CECV PLP template (primary) for schools to use. This is not a mandated document, rather an example for schools to refer to.

Positive Partnerships

Positive Partnerships work with parents, carers and educators of school-aged children on the autism spectrum to provide current, relevant and evidence informed information through workshops and online resources.

Professional Learning

Online Training Modules

OnLineTraining provides flexible professional development for teaching professionals who support children and young people with diverse learning needs.

Austism Spectrum Disorder

CECV Resources

A resource for school staff and teachers of students with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Effective and reliable evidence-based information about Autism Spectrum Disorders, along with strategies and resources.

Tony Attwood

Professor Tony Attwood is a clinical psychologist who is world renowned for his knowledge of autism spectrum disorders.

Department of Education Victoria

These resources provide a starting point for early childhood and school professionals to learn about ASD. 


Amaze Victoria

Amaze builds autism understanding in the community and provides independent, credible information and resources to individuals, families, professionals, government and the wider community.

Aspect Australia

Evidence informed school program with additional services: advice, diagnostic assessments, behaviour support, parent and family support and adult programs.

Raising Children Network

Resources for families supporting children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder, including information, strategies and guides.


Autism Focused Intervention Resources and Modules

Designed to help learn the step-by-step process of planning for, using and monitoring an EBP for learners with ASD from birth to 22 years of age. Supplementary materials and handouts are available for download.

What is Social Thinking? Featuring Michelle Garcia Winner.

Autism Internet Modules

Designed for those who support, instruct, work with or live with someone with autism, the Autism Internet Modules guide users through case studies, instructional videos, pre- and post-assessments, discussion questions, activities and more.


Autism CRC

Building connectedness and wellbeing for young adolescents on the Autism Spectrum.


Supporting the education of diverse learners with professional learning, research and resources for educators.

Theory of Mind

Theory of Mind is the ability to understand and interpret your own and others’ mental and emotional states. Resources to support students who experience difficulties with Theory of Mind.

Sensory Impairments

This section contains presentations on various Sensory Impairments to assist you in develop an understanding of what specific impairments involve, how technology can assists students, how to set up an inclusive environment, tips for optimal learning, some useful resources as well as additional links to clips and websites for further understanding.


Catholic Education Ballarat provides access to referral services and consultative support to schools to promote the development of inclusive practices that cater for students with diverse learning needs.

Nationally Consistent Collection of Data

NCCD Portal

The NCCD collects data about school students with a disability who are receiving adjustments across Australia in a consistent, reliable and systematic way.

CECV NCCD Program Guidelines 2021

This is a CEVN Link. You will need your C Number and Password to access it.

Gifted & Talented Education

Victorian Association for Gifted & Talented Children

A parent and educator-led not-for-profit incorporated body that is committed to advocating for the identification and appropriate support, education and development of gifted potential in children across the state of Victoria.

John Munroe Podcast

This 30min podcast centres around gifted learners – in particular, how to identify these learners, how to understand their learning needs and how to encourage them to reach their potential in the classroom and beyond.