Restorative Practices in Schools

Restorative Practices is a whole school approach to promoting resilience and building positive relationships. It is focused on helping young people become aware of the impact of their behaviour on others through personal accountability and assists them to learn from a conflict situation. An important component of restorative practices is the focus on restoring relationships after harm has been done.

Restorative Practices Scripts

Scripts for use in Restorative Practices in primary and secondary schools.

Restorative Practices Research Document

An overview of Restorative Practices and its impact on student learning and behaviour.

Scenario Examples - CECV

This series of scenarios demonstrates a range of restorative practice strategies applicable for primary and secondary schools.


PBIS Expert Instruction: Restorative Practices

A conversation with international experts as they explore the deeper, more meaningful impact of Restorative Practices and share experiences that go beyond practices themselves.