Resources for Social & Emotional Learning

Social and emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which children and adults understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.

SEL in Catholic School Communities

Catholic Education Victoria resources to support SEL in schools.

Promote Mental Health: Social and Emotional Learning

Dept of Education Victoria SEL resources, including background information and effective implementation of SEL.


The Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning resource contains information for educators, parents, students and employers who recognise the value of SEL.


Social Emotional Learning and Curriculum: Literacy

Social Emotional Learning becomes even more focused when embedded in the learning within the Literacy curriculum.

Social Emotional Learning and Curriculum: Mathematics

Opportunities to practice SEL skills can be provided through playing games, participating in discussions and sharing ideas in Mathematics lessons.

Student Voice

Empowering students, enhancing engagement and enriching participation in learning has a positive effect on student outcomes. The Dept of Education Victoria AMPLIFY website provides resources and advice for teachers and leaders to engage student voice.


Student Voice Practice Guide

A guide for school professionals and students to have conversations, collaborate and take actions to empower students, whatever their current starting points. 

Using Student Voice to Empower Learning

Greg Whitby, Executive Director of Schools in the Catholic Diocese of Parramatta, speaks to Greg Tyszkiewicz from St Monica’s Primary in North Parramatta about the impact of SEL on student learning.

Personal and Social Capabilities Curriculum

The Victorian Curriculum recognises that the development of Personal and Social Capabilities are essential to enable students to understand themselves and others, manage relationships and learn more effectively.